Lisa Ghan Blumenstock, Family Law and Mediation - Logo
Photo of Lisa Ghan Blumenstock

Since 1986 Lisa has practiced family law in southwest Missouri. In 2000 she received her initial training as a mediator, and since 2009 has concentrated her practice on the mediation of family law cases. Since that time has mediated hundreds of family law cases which have included the issues of division of property and debt (including businesses), parenting plans (including decision-making, contact schedules, and child support), maintenance, and attorney’s fees.

Lisa was named Super Lawyer in Missouri from 2006-2012 by Missouri and Kansas Super Lawyers magazine. She has also been named as a Best Lawyer in "The Best Lawyers in America" since 2007 in the areas of family law and family law mediation. In 2013 and 2016 she was named Lawyer of the Year in Family Law in Springfield, Missouri, by "The Best Lawyers in America".

In recent years, Lisa has concentrated her practice in the area of family law mediation, in which she assists clients in resolving their case without the necessity of courtroom litigation. She emphasizes personal attention in her practice and enjoys helping clients deal with difficult life issues.

Lisa Ghan Blumenstock, Attorney at Law, LLC
1903 E Battlefield
Springfield, MO 65804
Phone: (417) 863-6400
Fax: (417) 863-7144